Insecure Writer's Support Group
In your writing, what stresses you the most? What delights you?
My Answer
This last month, November, I did NANO. I thought when I began my outline was enough to get me to the end of a new novel called A Stylish Murder. But from the beginning, nothing was jiving. That was stressful, but when I allowed another story playing in the back of my mind, Murder by Proxy, to move the forefront, well, then the writing just flowed.
That was delightful. Writing a full novel when I originally thought Murder by Proxy would only become a short story. Once I began putting it down on paper, well, it just worked, and it flowed like water.
From full stop to lightning speed, now that's an exciting writing moment especially when the challenge is 50,000 words!
Natalie Aguirre, and Jacqui Murray!