Wednesday, May 6, 2020

IWSG - Meditation

May 6 Question - Do you have any rituals that you use when you need help getting into the ZONE? Care to share?

My favorite is to take my notebook out onto the patio and just mellow. A cup of tea and quiet time is my meditation. Yesterday I wrote over 5000 words of a new novel because I allowed myself to ignore everything in the outside world. I’ll be honest sometimes it works better than others, but on the whole, it’s served me well.


The co-hosts are Feather Stone, Beverly Stowe McClure, Mary Aalgaard, Kim Lajevardi, & Chemist Ken! Please be sure to visit and say THANK YOU!

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”―Oscar Wilde


  1. My biggest setback is my back. Not enough walking. Sitting for any length of time becomes painful and I need to lay down. It's frustrating. I do love sitting outside though. Glad you're safe and healthy, Yolanda.

    1. Me, I'm a sitter from way back. LOL Standing is what kills my back. Hmm...

  2. Wow! 5k is fabulous! I'm drinking tea right now. Love it in the afternoon when I sit down to my computer.

  3. I think I need to try this with regards to my creativity and writing - "...because I allowed myself to ignore everything in the outside world." :)

  4. Congrats on the word count! I love sitting on my enclosed porch, especially in the rain, with a cup of tea or glass of wine. I can totally immerse myself in my writing.

  5. That is clever: ignoring the outside world. The world is so scary and negative right now, the only way out is inside, in our heads, in our imagination. Sadly, it doesn't always work, but when it does, it's a beautiful place to be.

  6. Congrats on the word count. For me, I get into the zone, when I'm listening to music. It helps me delve deeper into the story.

  7. I think sitting out on the patio with tea is a great way to write! Maybe I could sit far enough away that the wifi won't reach... :D

  8. Wow, it would take me three or four days to write that much.
    Sorry so late - I forget you use a different blog for the IWSG posts.

  9. Hi Renee - I'm glad Alex posted his comment above! Sometimes I'd like to have a story in me - but I can struggle to put a blog post together, let alone a WEP entry: I think the brain wanders around too much! Congratulations on being able to switch off completely and just get on with writing ... so here's to your next novel. All the best - Hilary

  10. Sounds like a wonderful way to write! I also like writing on the porch, usually with a giant thing of water, but sometimes with tea. Outside just makes me happy!

  11. Isn't that the ultimate remedy - tune out the chaos that is the world and lose yourself in your own creation! It's funny how tea is almost always apart of the universal writer's ritual. Maybe it's reminiscent of a bygone era where things weren't so readily available? Maybe it's the daintiness? Maybe it's that feeling of sophistication? I'm unsure. What do you think?


    1. I drink tea every day, and my mug is less than dainty. LOL I drink it because I love green tea, it's delicious and coffee doesn't agree with me. Sophisticated, nope, not me! Thanks for stopping by!


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